Friday, January 20, 2012

Can Bruce Arena save the LA Galaxy's season?鈥?/a>

As dismal as things have been, Galaxy are still only 3 points out of first place in a weak division. Can Bruce Arena turn things around?|||He just might be able to. It can't get any worse. No wait it can, but it couldn't hurt. At this point I'm just praying for a miracle!

By the way, the link you posted said that "a source" said that the LA Galaxy hired Arena, after double checking the LA Galaxy website I could not find any concrete evidence saying they did (though if you watched the last game it is more than likely true). I seemed to recall that it was said by the end of the week they should be making an announcement as to who the new head couch would's already the beginning of the following week. Hope they make some sort of announce before the next game this week!

By the way, I think Cobi Jones did a decent far!|||No but i could. If they hired me as manager/head coach i promiss they would finish at least 6th in the MLS after a season or two. I have the coachin credentials and the best ideas! In 3 they would win. They really need to play on the glamour side of the club. There are a lot of English premiership players in their last year of contract who would join Galaxy|||I think he can.. He has shown how good a coach he is when he was with the national team. They shocked a lot of people at World cup 2002. I think he is a good choice for the manager|||HE WILL DO THIS:鈥?/a>|||no

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